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Our Founders and Team

FieldPartner was founded by lifelong missionaries Ross and Christine Paterson in this final season of their active ministry, born from a passion to serve the global mission community and share their experience. It is a growing global network with links to partner organisations working in many different places.

We are funded by generous supporters like you!

Ross Paterson


Ross Paterson’s original call from God, in the early 60s, was to serve China – her people and her Church. He has been faithful to that call, going first to Taiwan as a missionary in 1969. Today, Ross travels across a number of nations, preaching and teaching and sharing their desire to see the church of Jesus Christ embrace a biblical burden for world mission. Ross created the Antioch Factor Course.

Christine Paterson


Christine Paterson was brought up in a mission environment – both her parents served for over forty years as missionaries in Africa, where Christine spent her early years. This unique background has helped her to be the support and ministry partner for her husband Ross in the various countries to which the Lord has led them. Christine created the Crossing Cultures 101 Courses.

Ben Gilbert

Dean of Studies (English Language)
Ben was brought up in a cross-cultural context and has held a wide variety of jobs, including cross-cultural mission education and development. He is passionate about seeing people equipped to flourish cross-culturally. As Dean of Studies, Ben is responsible for working alongside students, running course cohorts, and developing our curriculum.
Our Team
Shiyani Refuge
Adam Thomas Steer
Mike Kastle
Learner Support & Compliance
About Us
Our Partners
Quality training will prepare you for the challenges you will face on the field
Member care is the support and care network which should surround any fieldworker.
Get inspired and connected to serve somewhere yourself!
UFM Worldwide
UFM Worldwide
Ruth Van Reken
Ruth Van Reken
Rod and Ruthie Gilbert
Rod and Ruthie Gilbert
Jackie Scott
Jackie Scott
Here 2 There Network
Here 2 There Network
Harry Hoffman
Harry Hoffman
Great Lakes Outreach
Great Lakes Outreach
Globe Mission Schweiz
Globe Mission Schweiz
Global Trellis
Global Trellis
Global Mobilisation Network
Global Mobilisation Network
Global Member Care Network
Global Member Care Network
Equipping Servants International
Equipping Servants International
Didasko Intercultural Ministry Training
Didasko Intercultural Ministry Training
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
China Source
China Source
All Nations International
All Nations International
All Nations Christian College
All Nations Christian College
A Life Overseas
A Life Overseas
If we are to fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus – to take to Gospel to the ends of the earth – we need to be able to share it with people who are different from us. People of different cultural backgrounds may be found on the other side of the planet, or they might live across the street from us. FieldPartner’s primary focus is on those who relocate with the intent of bringing the Gospel to a people group different from themselves.
Nothing really! Historically, people refer to ‘missionaries’ working on the ‘mission field’. But for some people, these terms carry unhelpful baggage. So we also use the terms of fieldworkers and crossing cultures, which can be a range of approaches across different contexts.
For us, the field is wherever people are serving in cross-cultural gospel work. It looks different for different people.

The Biblical mandate of the Great Commission applies to every believer. Some are called to leave their context and ‘go’ to the nations. Others are called to stay and ‘send’ (or support) those who are going. This might be as professional (like a sending agency or a church leader), a family member or friend (giving, emotional and practical support), or a ‘supporter’ (offering prayer and financial support). Or a mixture of all of these, and more!

We believe that the local church is an integral part of sending. Find out more here.

At FieldPartner, our vision is that anybody who goes to the mission field should be properly trained, well resourced and wholeheartedly supported.

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